Teeth whitening in the dental surgery versus shop bought toothpaste. A comparison by Queens Park Dental Team

Are you looking for a way to whiten your teeth but are unsure if professional whitening is worth it? You aren’t alone.


The majority of dental patients report wishing that their teeth were whiter; hence, the popularity of over-the-counter toothpaste, gels and sets which promise to do this for you in the comfort of your own home.

Unfortunately, these rarely work and if you have deeply set stains, you may want to approach our team to assess the type of staining your teeth have and get your pearly whites really white!

At Queens Park Dental, we have extensive experience with teeth whitening in Bournemouth and can help you achieve the exact look you want. If you want your teeth a striking white or a more subtle shade, we can achieve it for you!

So, what are some of the benefits of our teeth whitening Bournemouth versus at-home kits and gels?


At Queens Park Dental, we know a fair bit about teeth whitening Bournemouth!

We can offer you in-chair whitening or whitening kits to use at home, or both. With our expertise, your teeth will remain healthy while also being whiter and we will work to reduce potential problems with sensitivity.

Should you attempt to use a shop bought at-home whitening kit, you run the risk of an incorrect mixing of gels, causing erosion to the enamel and potentially damaging your gums. If you want whiter teeth, talk to our team!


There is no mistaking the result of professionally whitened teeth; Hollywood, here you come!

But, if you are looking for a more natural looking effect, we can achieve this too without the end result looking too fake. We can also target our whitening to remove certain stains that are bothersome, without going over the top with bleaching. In short, anything you want us to do, we can do, which over-the-counter gels and pastes cannot achieve.


Over-the-counter tubes of toothpaste can take a long time to work and, while they may be effective, it is unlikely that the results will be as long lived as professionally obtained ones.

Also, when you visit our team at Queens Park Dental, we will provide you with whitening gels to use at home, to deal with any emerging yellow patches between whitening appointments. This will help to prolong the effects of the whiter teeth, while also minimising damage to the enamel as the gel has been mixed by our team.


A key issue many patients have when they are looking to whiten their teeth is sensitivity.

Typically, bleaching and whitening gels contain oxidising gels which remove stains that are under the enamel on the tooth. Hence, if you are looking to remove deep-set stains, this can be challenging to do without professional help and without triggering sensitive teeth.

So, one key advantage of seeing our team for dental whitening versus shop bought products is that we can control the bleaching agents in the gel to get the best results possible, without damaging your teeth. Now that’s handy!

Need to see our emergency dentist at Queens Park? What to expect at your appointment

Have you got a toothache that just won’t go away? It’s time to see an emergency dental team!


While you may never want to visit an emergency dental team, we understand that accidents can and do happen and, as you may know, your teeth don’t run on a 9-5 schedule. But is an emergency dental appointment the same as a regular check-up?

At Queens Park Dental Team, we know it can be nerve-racking to see our emergency dentist Bournemouth, especially if you are in discomfort. But don’t worry! Our team will aim to alleviate any discomfort you are in and will treat you with some TLC and respect while helping you to feel better and able to go about your day.

So, what can you expect when you see our emergency dentist Bournemouth?

Reasons to see our emergency team

There are many dental issues that warrant a trip to our emergency dentist Bournemouth.

If you are suffering from intense dental discomfort, swelling, sudden sensitivity to hot and cold drinks or you have an ulcer that is persistent or larger than a five pence piece, call us.

If you have a loose/ lost filling or crown, or you have noticed a chip or crack in one of your teeth, irrespective of discomfort, you need to see our emergency team.

When you arrive

When you arrive at Queens Park Dental, we will assess the issue and aim to relieve the discomfort.

We will always endeavour to see emergency patients on the same day that you contact us; if this is not possible, we will aim to have you attend our surgery within 24 hours of your initial contact.

What we will do

As before, when it comes to emergency dental appointments, it is our first priority to relieve the discomfort that you are in.

This will involve a gentle examination of the area and, in the case of a serious issue like an abscess, we will aim to numb the swelling before attempting to assess the potential cause. If the issue is a lost restorative (like a filling), then we will replace it with a new one.


There may or may not be aftercare guidelines to follow when you see our emergency team, depending on the reason you visited us.

But, if you have attended our emergency team with an abscess, we will usually have you begin a course of antibiotics to control the infection, relieve the swelling and reduce the discomfort. We will normally book you in for an appointment with our regular dentists in such instances too for a follow-up.

Follow-up appointments

Should you have attended an emergency appointment with an abscess, you will need a follow-up appointment to complete the treatment.

Depending on the cause of the abscess and the condition of your tooth, we will aim to restore any damage in the first instance; with abscesses, this typically involves a root canal. But, if the tooth is too badly decayed to be saved, then we will extract it.

How teeth straightening can change your life

The most commonly associated benefit of teeth straightening Bournemouth is that of its incredible cosmetic effect, but this is not all that patients receive who come to Queens Park Dental Team for orthodontic treatment. In a professional consultation, our highly competent and experienced dental practitioner will explain how orthodontic treatment can go well beyond giving patients a beautiful smile. Hannah has supervised innumerable successful orthodontic treatments that have restored happy smiles and healthy mouths.


Deciding on teeth straightening Bournemouth can ensure patients live a better quality of life Patients can expect the benefits of teeth straightening Bournemouth to range from physical health benefits to mental and psychosocial benefits. Read on to find out just how life changing straightening one’s teeth can be.

Rewards of teeth straightening treatments

Oral health is easier to maintain

At the top of the list of benefits is the improvement of oral health. This is easily achieved when teeth are made easier to brush and floss. Teeth that are in proper alignment allow toothbrush bristles to get in between teeth more easily so that cleaning is made more effective. Clean teeth lower the risk of many undesirable poor health issues such as bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease.

Stronger teeth

Misaligned teeth create another problem in that unwarranted stress is placed on teeth and jaws that results in excessive wear and tear and facial pain. These challenges are resolved with orthodontic help.

Improves masticatory functional

One of the physical challenges of misaligned teeth is that masticatory function – biting and chewing – is made difficult with many patients experiencing pain and discomfort. Teeth alignment treatment plans can improve the way patients grind food down, reduce pain and aid better digestion and nutrient-absorption.

Feel good on the inside as well as the outside

It is clear how aligned teeth can improve one’s appearance. A dazzling smile that begins with straightened teeth is key to an attractive physical appearance. To understand how teeth straightening has a positive impact on mental and psychosocial health, one has to first understand the effects of a pleasing smile on confidence.

With the many negative perceptions made about misaligned teeth, it is far easier to feel self-conscious and awkward about a crooked smile. Patients are more inclined to hide their smile, and in many cases, find themselves withdrawing from social engagements with the result that the quality of their relationships suffer.

Having a confident smile is really a treasured goal that unleashes many desirable effects. A pleasing smile is linked to confidence which is known to lay the foundation of success in life. Positive associations linked to attractive smiles include the assumptions of intelligence, capability, approachability and kindness. Confident smiles are more likely to fling open the doors of opportunity with the greater possibility of a patient finding success in business, at work and in their personal relationships.

Don’t let a misaligned smile hold you back from living the life you want. Give our reception desk a call at Queens Park Dental Team to schedule a consultation with Hannah who will be happy to help you find the most suitable teeth correcting treatment plan for the best outcome.

What are the benefits of teeth whitening at the dentist?

For patients wanting the best results when considering brightening their teeth, the safest and most effective method is to have our highly capable dental professionals at Queens Park Dental Team do it for you. We offer quality treatments in teeth whitening Bournemouth that provide patients with outstanding results. Hannah is very experienced in this procedure and has provided many patients with pleasing results.


Patients may well ask why choose us for teeth whitening Bournemouth when there are dental products available over the counter that target brightening teeth? The truth of the matter is that while these products may seem like the more convenient option or more affordable, what they don’t do is offer the same quality of brightening results that an in-chair treatment does.

When looking for a brighter smile, it is vitally important that a patient seeks consultation with a dental practitioner to first determine that there are no worrying issues with oral health. This is important because no treatment will offer the results wanted until any poor oral health condition is treated. In many cases, discoloured teeth are not easily-corrected surface issues but the root cause of discolouration goes much deeper. A dentist is the best-placed professional to determine the actual cause of tooth discolouration and offer corresponding reliable treatments to restore teeth’s brightness and dental health. Hannah has the complete set of credentials – experience, knowledge and tools – with which to give patients the happy bright smiles they are after.

We take a look at some of the plus points of professional teeth whitening Bournemouth that promote this option as the more favourable one.

//Benefits of brightening teeth at Queens Park Dental Team//

Less risk of tooth harm

The process of brightening teeth requires teeth to be exposed to bleaching ingredients that if used incorrectly, can cause damage to teeth and discomfort to the patient. It has been found that patients, in their haste to whiten their teeth, use these products the wrong way and end up damaging teeth enamel that then needs professional dental care to reverse.

Professional teeth whitening at our dental clinic is safe and effective and achieves high levels of patient satisfaction.

Reliable teeth whitening effects

Another disadvantage of store bought products to patients is that they contain low amounts of the actual bleaching ingredients that whiten teeth. This is why those patients who opt for in-chair treatments find the brightening results they are after without the frustration and time wasting of countless attempts of DIY teeth whitening.

Customised teeth brightening treatments

Like all of our other dental care services, our teeth whitening procedures are customised to meet individual patient needs. Patients with dental restorations or crowns will find that they need a personalised approach as the procedure is not as effective for these patients. Hannah will first conduct a proper professional consultation to determine your exact needs before suggesting the best way to proceed.

Are you looking for a dental clinic offering the highest standards in dental care? Then you will want to get in touch with us at Queens Park Dental Team for your next dental check-up.

Do you know how to find a top emergency dentist?

The nature of a dental emergency makes it so that often urgent action needs to be taken to help a patient find relief from excruciating pain and discomfort. In some situations, proactive action makes the difference that can save a tooth that otherwise would be lost, leading a patient then having to pay for costly missing teeth replacement appliances. Prompt action by an emergency dentist can avoid the many challenges of having teeth missing.


Our emergency dentist Bournemouth, Hannah at Queens Park Dental Team, is competent and well-experienced in assessing and treating dental emergencies to bring much-needed relief to patients.

As emergency dental care services are not offered at every dental clinic it is a good idea to find an experienced emergency dentist Bournemouth before you actually have need of one, so that no time is lost locating one when incidents arise. A dental clinic that offers emergency dental care will have in place measures to accommodate dental emergencies that often come unannounced. As an emergency dental clinic we make provisions for emergency dental appointments. We look at some of the factors that set apart a top emergency dentist Bournemouth.

Tips to finding quality emergency dental care

Identify a dental emergency correctly

One of the often misunderstood things is what constitutes a dental situation that requires urgent care. This is because some types of real dental emergencies are not accompanied by excruciating pain and the patient may not be aware that they need to see an emergency dentist straight away.

Facial pain of any intensity or injury to the mouth area are the most obvious signs. Not so obvious but equally worrying is a tooth that has been knocked out or infected teeth and gums. Failure to treat these conditions with immediate professional care will result in a patient facing long-term damage and more serious consequences that are both costly and complex to treat. It must be remembered that even if the pain recedes, urgent dental attention should still be sought.

Look for the right skill set

Experience in providing a range of urgent dental care services is the first prerequisite to look out for. Emergency dental care will be listed as one of the core services on the dental services menu. We are suitably equipped and staffed to handle dental emergencies quickly and successfully.

Ask about patient age range

Make sure to enquire about which age groups the emergency dentist has experience in treating. A dental practitioner who only sees adult patients may not be suitable for younger patients.

Patients looking to lessen the likelihood of experiencing a dental emergency would do well to ensure that they keep to all scheduled dental check-up appointments. Next to daily brushing and flossing at home, these appointments form the defence line against poor oral health issues.

Dental emergencies can make life that much more challenging for already time-constrained patients. Knowing exactly where to get urgent dental care when a situation calls for it, can do much to reduce anxiety levels and stress. Queens Park Dental Team is your go-to dental clinic for routine dental care as well as dental emergencies.

Can teeth straightening in Bournemouth straighten out your oral future

Find your smile again


Countless adults and young people throughout the country are unhappy with the shape of their teeth. What is less common, however, is the people who decide to do something about it and seek out teeth straightening in Bournemouth from us here at Queens Park Dental Team.

Those who do may find there to be treatments available to them that they had never previously considered and that attaining their perfect smile was easier than first thought.

What are my options for teeth straightening in Bournemouth?

Many people assume the only way they could achieve a straighter and healthier smile is through traditional metallic braces. However, this may have been true several decades prior but is now far from the case.

At Queens Park Dental Team we offer our patients the ability to realign crooked teeth without anything being fixed to their teeth, or allowing anyone to notice they are undergoing treatment at all!

In-Line with the times

This is possible through the In-Line Invisible braces system, which only consists of a uniquely made, custom retainer. This retainer is both thin and transparent, making it completely undetectable when the patient wears it over their teeth.

Inside every In-Line retainer, which we custom build, there are pressure-points that are placed deliberately so as to force the identified teeth into their correct space over time.

This is found by most to be a far more comfortable and less invasive method of achieving straighter teeth as the retainers are soft and nothing is fused within the patient’s mouth.

Another massive attraction to In-Line teeth straightening in Bournemouth here at Queens Park Dental Team is that it can realign a patient’s smile in as short a timescale as just 5-10 months, whereas traditional fused braces typically take around 1-2 years!

Unsurprisingly, In-Line treatment has become massively popular amongst teenagers and younger adults. This is primarily because of the discrete nature of In-Line retainers allowing them to undergo teeth straightening, without alerting attention.

An additional attraction to the In-Line orthodontic method is that patients can remove their retainers whenever they want. Unlike almost every other form of orthodontic alignment treatment, if patient’s wish to eat tough foods or pose for a photo they can quickly and easily remove their In-Line retainer.

How can I get In-Line treatment?

At Queens Park Dental Team we always begin each treatment that we offer with a consultation with one of our expert practitioners. This also gives us a chance to talk to the patient’s on a one-to-one level and understand exactly what they are hoping to achieve from their treatment.

Following this, we will then examine the patient’s current oral health, to determine the amount of work they’ll need, or if something may prevent us from initially carrying out In-Line treatment, such as gum disease.

Providing the patient is eligible, we will then take the impressions we’ll need to create their customer retainer sets. The In-Line retainer system is German engineered and uses dual plastic layers to achieve comfortable dental alignment.

If you are interested in finding out your eligibility or just learning a bit more about the In-Line process then we’d love to hear from you. Simply call us today and arrange for a consultation at the next convenient time!

Could teeth whitening in Bournemouth brighten up your outlook?

Making you happy


At Queens Park Dental Team our highly qualified and efficient team of specialist practitioners have been creating beautiful smiles for years. Nothing makes our team more content than when the value of their treatments is reflected in the smile of a happy patient.

We know the past year has been hard on a lot of people, and that for some, our teeth have paid the price. At Queens Park Dental Team we can turn any frown upside down, and our practitioners have seen it all.

We are proud to prove cosmetic dental treatments such as teeth whitening in Bournemouth can have a tremendously positive impact on a patient’s self-image and esteem.

Anyone who feels concerned or embarrassed about the shade of their enamel shouldn’t worry. Here at Queens Park Dental Team our cosmetic dental experts can bring the life and sparkly back to any smile and let you leave our practice with a renewed and rejuvenated self-confidence.

Why do teeth turn yellow?

Having stained or yellowish teeth is one of the most common problems we treat here at Queens Park Dental Team. Some people may believe that yellow or discoloured teeth are always and only down to poor oral hygiene or routine – however, this is untrue.

While poor oral habits certainly contribute to dental problems and can cause discolouration, it is not the only reason teeth can become yellow or stained – and people with perfectly normal and good dental habits can also experience dental staining.

In truth dental staining can arise from a number of reasons, some of which include:

  • Smoking tobacco
  • Dark beverages (red wine, tea, coffee etc)
  • Dark berries such as blueberries and cherries
  • Natural age

The last of these is often the most difficult for patient’s to deal with, as despite their oral routines they may notice their enamel becoming greyer over time. This can cause many people to seek out teeth whitening in Bournemouth from a trusted, local expert provider such as us here at Queens Park Dental Team

What does teeth whitening in Bournemouth involve?

At Queens Park Dental Team we’ve found that the most consistent and positive effects of teeth whitening are achieved through an at-home tray system. This means that patients can undergo dental whitening at their own pace and from the comfort of their residences.

At Queens Park Dental Team we like to begin each treatment with a consultation between the patient and Hanna, one of our expert practitioners. This way we can determine how healthy your teeth are, and explain to you what options are available.

After this consultation, If the patient decides they wish to undergo at-home whitening from us, we’ll then take the measurements and impressions of their unique tooth shape and structure needed to create their custom tray.

Unlike whitening trays bought online, the at-home whitening trays we provide at Queens Park Dental Team fit over each patient’s teeth perfectly. This means that their teeth will be whiter all over and consistently, without any streaks or grey areas.

After we’ve made the tray the patient then can take it home alongside a White Dental Beauty kit, which includes a quantity of a hydrogen-peroxide based whitening formula. The patient then applies a small amount of this into their tray, and wears it periodically for short intervals over the course of two weeks, until their teeth are as white as they wish.

Recognising when you need to call our emergency dentist in Bournemouth

Understanding dental emergencies


At Queens Park Dental Team we are an emergency dentist Bournemouth dedicated to making sure anyone who needs it gets the dental care they deserve, as quickly as possible.

We understand the past year has taken a toll on many people’s dental health, as treatments may not have been as easily accessible as in a pre-pandemic situation. However, we stress to all our patients that our practice remains committed to providing comprehensive emergency dental care to anyone that needs it.

There are literally countless ways in which a dental emergency can arise, and not all emergencies are as obvious as dental trauma or tooth loss. Below will cover the various types of dental emergencies which we treat here at Queens Park Dental Team, and what signs and indicators patients should look out for so they are aware of when they should contact our emergency dentist Bournemouth.

What are the most common dental emergencies?

At Queens Park Dental Team, our emergency dentist Bournemouth truly has seen it all. No case is ever too much for our highly trained and professional team, and we never turn away a patient in need.

One of the most common dental emergencies we treat are cases involving facial swelling or tooth decay. This is unsurprising given the circumstances of the past year, and we are well-versed in treating all degrees of decay, gum disease or tooth abscesses.

What are the other types of dental emergency?

Alongside decay, there are also several other commonly cited cases in which a patient may seek out our emergency dental services. These include:

  • Injuries and accidents
  • Severe and constant toothache
  • Pericoronitis (inflamed gums)
  • Cellulitis (soft tissue bacterial infection)

Because of the nature of dealing with emergency dental problems, no two cases are ever identical. While patients may share the same symptoms, as their dental makeup and tooth health always varies each treatment is always a unique process.

What to do if a tooth has been lost

Losing a tooth through an accident is always traumatic and difficult. There can be literally thousands of ways in which a tooth can be lost – from falling during a sports game to slipping in the shower.

However, the steps that patients can take if they have lost a tooth to preserve its health and maximise the probability of a successful reattachment are always the same.

Firstly, if you can, pick up the avulsed tooth by its crown – avoid touching the root. Then gently clean the tooth with saliva or milk, not water as some people may assume. Next, if possible, try to reinsert the tooth into the hole yourself. If this proves to be too painful then preserve the tooth in milk or saline solution. Finally, contact our emergency dentist here at Queens Park Dental Team immediately.

When dealing with tooth losses, time is very much of the essence. The quicker you get yourself and your avulsed tooth into our emergency dental practice, the more likely it is that we can reattach the tooth.

We always try to treat emergency cases within a single day, but in more complicated cases where this isn’t possible, we will always make sure that the pain is manageable and that a treatment plan is formed for the immediate future before the patient leaves our practice.

Our teeth whitening service

Something that a lot of our patients come to us for is teeth whitening Bournemouth, as this can really transform your smile, without any invasive surgery. Even if you take care of your teeth perfectly, there is still a possibility that you will experience some sort of yellowing over time. Doing things like drinking tea and coffee, sugary drinks or smoking, can all increase how quickly your teeth turn yellow.


The owner of our practice, Hannah, is passionate about transforming smiles through cosmetic dentistry, including teeth whitening, so it is likely that your appointment will be with her. You will be in the hands of a professional, highly-skilled dentist whose main goal is to help you feel more comfortable with your smile.

How does it work?

Before you begin the treatment, you will have a consultation with Hannah to discuss the process and for her to see if you are eligible for it. This is an important step, as it is vital that you have all the information you need before proceeding. If the consultation goes well, and you decide you would like to go forward with teeth whitening Bournemouth, then we will take some impressions of your teeth so that your custom-made whitening trays can be created. Our dental practice is proud to use the White Dental Beauty teeth whitening system for our patients, which has proven to be very effective.

You will most probably be eligible for this treatment, but sometimes there are things that can change this. Patients who have thinner enamel, gum recession or have a tendency to grind their teeth may be advised not to have the treatment. Don’t hesitate to contact Hannah today to book your consultation meeting to see if you are eligible for a brighter smile.

Once your custom whitening trays are ready, we will provide you with the White Dental Beauty teeth whitening gel to go with them. This gel contains specific ingredients that keep your teeth hydrated and reduces sensitivity. The gel also has a fresh minty flavour, meaning that your mouth will feel nice and fresh after your whitening sessions. This teeth whitening Bournemouth treatment usually lasts from 2-3 weeks, with you only needing two appointments with us.

The advantages

Our patients love this treatment because it is so simple, but can be extremely effective in whitening your teeth. Hannah loves seeing the smile on people’s faces after cosmetic dentistry, and seeing their whole new sense of self-confidence.

Something that our patients enjoy about this remedy is the ease of the entire process. As mentioned above, you will only need two appointments for this treatment, meaning it is great for those who have a busier schedule. By only having two appointments, this means it is also beneficial for those who are more nervous about coming to the practice.

Another advantage of our teeth whitening treatment is that when you have it done, you can keep your customised whitening trays. This is great because it means that if at a later date you wanted a top up, all you would need to do is get the whitening gel from us and you’re good to go.

How can my emergency dentist help?

Here at Queens Park Dental, we understand that sometimes unexpected things can happen with your teeth, such as abscesses, breaking and chipping, this can be uncomfortable and very disconcerting. Which is why our emergency dentist Bournemouth is here to help in your time of need.


What is a dental emergency?

You may be wondering what classes as a dental emergency, and when you should contact us for an emergency appointment. We can help you with a wide variety of dental emergencies, and will do all that we can to alleviate your pain and fix the issue.


This is one of the more common reasons that our patients may need an emergency appointment. Toothache is when you feel extreme pain somewhere in your mouth, and there can be many different causes of this. You may also experience sensitivity and swelling, which is a definite sign that you need to contact us for an appointment with our emergency dentist Bournemouth. If the pain from the toothache does not go away within 2 days, and painkillers do not help with the pain, this is also a sign that you should contact us.

There are a few different reasons as to why you may get toothache, all of them being problems that you should discuss with us so we can help fix the situation. Tooth decay is one of the everyday causes of toothache, and this is usually because the bacteria that is attacking your tooth has reached the centre of it and is weakening it. Infection is also a major cause of toothache, which can occur from severe decay, or when a tooth is trying to grow, but doesn’t have enough space to come through, therefore breaking the skin and potentially causing the infection.


This is another big reason that our patients might contact our emergency dentist Bournemouth, as when you break a tooth, it can be extremely painful and uncomfortable. Having a broken tooth can also put the surrounding teeth at risk too, as there is added pressure being put on them due to the damaged tooth. Sometimes, if you lose or break your tooth we might be able to reattach it, if the tooth is in good enough condition. If this is not the case and your natural tooth cannot be repaired, we will most likely provide you with a tooth extraction. Don’t worry though, we will give you options that you can use to replace the missing tooth, such as dental implants.

What happens when I arrive at the practice?

When you arrive for your emergency appointment, we will examine your teeth to try and find the cause of the problem. After this, depending on your needs, we may then give you some form of medication to help alleviate your pain. If your pain is very extreme, we may give you some pain relief before examining your teeth to lessen your distress. We will do all we can to alleviate your discomfort during the emergency appointment, and will try our best to find out what is causing it. If there is a bigger problem there, then a plan will be made for you to come and revisit us so we can help to resolve it.