Why call the emergency dentist in Bournemouth?

Sometimes, people are unsure about whether they should get in contact with the emergency dentist in Bournemouth. Queens Park Dental Team is happy to accept enquiries from patients who think they may need urgent care, and to offer a range of options that can help to resolve any issue. Here, we discuss some of the most common reasons for needing help from our emergency dentist in Bournemouth.


Trip, fall or other trauma

Some patients need treatment from the emergency dentist in Bournemouth because they have had an accident that has damaged their teeth or the surrounding area such as the jawbone. This could be a fall, an assault or an accident involving a vehicle. If any of these have caused obvious damage to the mouth or the patient is struggling with discomfort, then we can help.

Trauma to a child’s mouth

Children can be at greater risk of damaging their teeth, mouth or jaw because they are more likely to fall and have other types of accidents. If a parent is in any doubt about whether their child’s accident merits an appointment with us, they should call to discuss symptoms and we can advise further.

Tooth coming loose

Teeth becoming loose or falling out altogether can happen to anyone, especially if they indulge in sporty hobbies. If possible, the tooth should be pushed back into the gum until the patient is able to see the dentist. The only exception to this is baby teeth, which parents should not attempt to reinsert. If the tooth cannot be retained in the mouth, then placing it in some milk can help to preserve it. This makes it more likely that we will be able to save the tooth.


How can a patient know if pain in their mouth is bad enough to need urgent dental care? If painkillers relieve it and they can eat, drink and rest as usual, then making an ordinary appointment to be seen by the dentist should suffice. However, if the patient is struggling to carry out day-to-day life and cannot get much sleep due to toothache, then they should get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Wisdom teeth

Many people experience some discomfort when they get wisdom teeth, but if it is manageable, then they should wait until their next dental appointment to have it checked over. If the patient is in significant pain, however, then there may be an issue such as the tooth being infected. In this case, an urgent visit to our surgery is the best course of action.


Within the centre of the tooth, there is a material known as pulp. This is an essential part of the tooth that helps to maintain its integrity. Sometimes, this area becomes inflamed and painful. This cannot be ignored as it will not resolve without treatment. Therefore, if a patient feels a lot of pain radiating from the centre of their tooth, they should make an emergency appointment with us.