Straighten your teeth without having to rely on traditional braces

Everyone wants straight teeth, but the prospect of wearing braces is undesirable for most people.

teeth-straightening-bournemouthWhile current methods of teeth straightening in Bournemouth have changed society’s thoughts about traditional orthodontic devices, nothing quite compares to In-Line Invisible braces.

We provide In-Line Invisible Braces to those who want straight teeth without the hassle and discomfort of wearing metal braces.

Make a booking with our highly skilled and experienced dentist, Hannah, to see if this is the right device for your needs!

What are invisible braces exactly?

Invisible braces comprise as a pair of clear plastic retainers that are designed to fit your mouth perfectly.

The retainers are comfortable to wear, easy to maintain and will fit your lifestyle. They can be removed to eat, drink, and when you clean your teeth. We advise invisible braces users to wear their device most of the time to maximise its effectiveness in straightening your teeth.

Replace the set with new ones every two weeks. Throughout treatment, you will receive multiple sets of these aligners.

Be strict with yourself and remember to change them timeously. Failure to do so will extend your overall treatment time.

What are the benefits of invisible braces for teeth straightening in Bournemouth

Not only is it comfortable to wear, but invisible braces are entirely metal-free, making it barely visible to the untrained eye.

The orthodontic aid is also detachable, which means you can take it out to eat and avoid embarrassing situations caused by having leafy green stuck in your braces.

At the same time, removing your braces to clean your teeth will help you to maintain good oral health and hygiene, because you can reach those hard-to-reach spaces unobstructed by wires and ligatures.

How long will I need to wear the device for?

Treatment time varies from person-to-person and depends on how severe or complicated your dental issue is. However, an approximate time frame is five to ten months.

The shorter time is favourable when compared to the one to two years you would have to endure with traditional braces.

Am I a suitable candidate for invisible braces?

The downside to invisible braces is that they cannot correct all irregularities and imperfections. This brace will be appropriate for you if your dental issues are mild to moderate, but if yours is a more unique or complex case, you might have to consider alternative options.

The good news is that other treatment methods are discrete, light on your teeth and comfortable to wear. Dentist Hannah will provide further information to you in person.

Will my teeth remain straight post-treatment?

The effects of braces to repair crooked teeth, overbites and correct spacing are long-lasting, but there is a chance that your teeth might shift slightly in time.

If you have concerns about this, we can provide you with a retainer to wear post-treatment to keep your teeth in place, which you will have to wear for most of the time in the beginning, and then only at night after that.

Are you considering teeth straightening in Bournemouth? Do not let your age prevent you from getting braces – invisible braces are sleek, discreet and comfortable!