Professional teeth whitening in Bournemouth

Teeth whitening is an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure, which can have a significant effect on the way you look and feel. Even with good oral hygiene, teeth can become discoloured over time due to many factors.

Not surprisingly, dark-coloured foods and beverages, including red wine, sodas, dark sauces and fruit, such as grapes, blueberries and pomegranates, have the potential to stain your teeth permanently. At the same time, substances found in coffee, tea and red wine also stain tooth enamel. Smoking is another reason teeth become yellow, while sometimes stains are caused by medications.

Teeth Whitening in BournemouthAt Queens Park Dental Team in Bournemouth, teeth whitening is one of our most popular cosmetic dental treatments. We believe that you can always benefit from a dazzling white smile, therefore we offer the White Dental Beauty system, which you can use in the comfort of your own home.

The White Dental Beauty system contains a high concentration of professional bleaching agents for a lasting whitening effect. Used with your own custom-made whitening trays (created from moulds to precisely fit the contours of your teeth and gums) the gel is safe, effective and provides fast and reliable results.

Our dentists will advise you to wear the trays for an hour per day and only while you are awake. Skipping the trays for a few days will not be detrimental for the treatment, since the White Dental Beauty system is designed to fit into your busy schedule.

A full course of at-home teeth whitening in Bournemouth typically lasts two to three weeks. However, the final result varies with the individual – the darker your teeth, the longer the treatment. By using our teeth whitening services, you will also be able to top-up your whitening if the colour starts to darken in the future.

If sensitivity occurs, it is usually minor and temporary. Take a break from whitening for a day and use the anti-inflammatory gel provided by our dentist. We also recommend using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth during treatment.

For long-lasting results after the treatment, you should avoid tooth-staining foods and drinks for at least a month. Naturally, it is not advisable to smoke during the course of treatment and for up to eight weeks afterwards.