Keen to have teeth whitening in Bournemouth?

If you are keen to have teeth whitening in Bournemouth, you are not alone! We see hundreds of patients every month looking for a whiter, brighter smile. After all, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so why not dazzle with a pearly white smile every time!

teeth-whitening-in-bournemouthCan I get teeth whitening anywhere?

The short answer is no. Teeth whitening that is medically approved is only available from a qualified dentist, and teeth whitening that is not done by a qualified dentist cannot always be assured to be of either high quality or medically safe. You must also be over 18 in order to opt for teeth whitening in the UK. Our dental team may offer you a tray to use at home, but only after teaching you the correct and safe way to use the treatment.

At Queen’s Park Dental Team in Bournemouth, Hannah Neve and her highly skilled team of professionals provide you with a full range of top quality dental services to suit you and give you a healthier, more attractive and brighter, whiter smile. Our team will take the time to talk through all of your options with you, and for your teeth whitening in Bournemouth we use the wonderful White Dental Beauty system. We have found that this system is the most reliable for whitening light stains. For darker stains the system will work, however it may take a little longer and you may need further sessions.

What happens when I decide to get teeth whitening in Bournemouth?

If you decide to opt for teeth whitening we will offer you a consultation and discuss the process with you and determine your suitability for the treatment. Once you are ready to start, Hannah will take impressions of your teeth at the practice. These impressions will then be used to make specially tailored trays for your mouth which will fit your teeth comfortably.