Effective dental care

If a sudden development has caused you to seek an emergency dentist in Bournemouth, Hannah Neve and the Queens Park Dental Team offer a wide range of speedy solutions. You should contact us as soon as you suspect something might be wrong with your teeth or gums, so that we can intervene early. We can then reduce your dental discomfort and give your teeth a healthy future.

Emergency Dentist in BournemouthAn experienced emergency dentist in Bournemouth

There are a few reasons why you might need to see an emergency dentist in Bournemouth, and all of them can be equally concerning. Dining mishaps, in which you damage your teeth while eating, are a common event, as are injuries received while playing sports. If one of these things has happened to you, it’s important not to delay treatment unnecessarily. When you come to our practice, we can reduce risk of oral infection, preserve the remaining tooth structure, and help you to feel less pain.

Our speedy and rigorous procedures will improve your overall oral health and make future complications less likely to develop.

A closer look

Advanced tooth decay is another common reason why you might need an emergency dentist in Bournemouth. As a dental cavity gets bigger, you might suddenly notice a toothache that won’t go away. Hannah and the team will thoroughly examine your teeth to assess the extent of the damage. Then we will make repairs after giving you a local anaesthetic, delivered through comfortable and modern injection equipment.


Depending on what’s happened to your teeth and gums, we might make temporary or permanent repairs on the day you come to see us. You might need some follow-up treatment after you’ve seen the emergency dentist in Bournemouth. Whatever happens, our aim is to ensure your oral health has a bright future.

There’s no telling when an accident might happen. They can occur even when you’re trying to look after your teeth as carefully as possible. It’s essential to go to the emergency dentist in Bournemouth as soon as possible after a dental emergency. With Hannah and the Queens Park Dental Team, you’ll receive experienced professional care, and effective emergency solutions.