Smile with radiance and shine you deserve, through teeth whitening in Bournemouth

No more filtersteeth-whitening-bournemouth

In recent years an increasing number of new patients are seeking out cosmetic dentistry solutions such as cosmetic teeth whitening, to brighten their smiles, and give their teeth a brighter and healthier appeal. It is speculated by many that the rationale behind this recent peak in dental involvement is due to the increase in social media documentation. As an increasing amount of us are continually documenting and sharing our everyday lives, it may have caused a number of us to become more conscious of the quality of our smiles, which, in turn, has caused an increase in the number of those seeking treatments such as cosmetic teeth whitening in Bournemouth.  Whether or not this rationale is based on fact remains unfounded, but whatever the reasoning is, here at Queens Park Dental Team, we are delighted to be providing a growing number of new patients with treatments which have the potential to improve both their smiles, and their self-esteem.

Withering whiteness

Contrary to what you may imagine, the vast majority of those who seek out cosmetic teeth whitening from us here at Queens Park Dental Team, do not require treatment as a result of poor oral hygiene. There are, in fact, a number of reasons why a patient may seek out cosmetic whitneting to brighten their smiles. One of the most common, and sadly unavoidable, reasons for seeking teeth whitening, is age. As you age, the natural enamel of your teeth can become faded or yellowed – regardless of how often, or how well, you brush and floss. Additionally, there are certain lifestyle choices which can cause the enamel of your teeth to become yellowed, one of the most detrimental of these being smoking and chewing tobacco, as the nicotine within it can cause dark stains on your teeth. Other causes of staining can result from drinking black coffee, tea or red wine. Typically, any fluid which has the potential to stain your clothing can also stain your teeth if consumed regularly. Taking certain types of medication can also result in the enamel of your teeth becoming yellowed or discoloured, as can consuming foods with high levels of acidity.

Clearing things up

With all this in mind, you may be prone to the feeling that a dull, yellow smile is a predetermined, unavoidable fate that lies ahead. However, here at Queens Park Dental we have the solution. Through cosmetic teeth whitening, we can fully eradicate years of superficial staining and discoloration, and leave you with a brighter, whiter smile. Teeth whitening from us here at Queens Park Dental Team is carried out by Hannah, our specialist teeth whitening expert. She provides patients with a home based whitening kit which affords patients the ability to carry out the whitening process from the comfort of your own homes, and at a time which is convenient to you. The treatment process consists of a custom made retainer being constructed from within our practices, providing patients with a bespoke retainer which fits perfectly around your teeth. Following that you would be given the White Dental Beauty’s whitening gel which is applied to the retainer. You are then left to carry out treatment at a time which is convenient to you. This method of teeth whitening can have a massively positive impact on the self-esteem of those who seek it, as you have the ability to complete the process at a time which suits you and tailor the degree of whiteness that you wish your smile to be.

Brighten up your world with cosmetic teeth whitening in Bournemouth

Growing grins

teeth-whitening-bournemouthAcross the country, and all over the world, the past few years have brought about an  unpresidented resurgence in the amount of people seeking out cosmetic dentistry solutions. People of all ages and demographics are increasingly turning to cosmetic dentistry to achieve a more cohesive, bright, and healthy looking smile to boost their self-esteem. Never before have we seen such a peak in interest here at Queens Park Dental Team, and we welcome these new patients with wide, open arms. Whilst a rising amount of patients are seeking out treatments such as teeth whitening in Bournemouth, there are still a number of potential new patients out there who refrain from seeking such treatments due to fears or concerns about safety. As such, we’ve done our best to address some of these concerns, to help put your mind at ease and allow you to take the next step in brightening your smile.

A sensitive issue

Often, one of the main concerns that causes potential patients from seeking out cosmetic tooth whitening is how treatment can damage the enamel on their teeth and increase sensitivity. The reason behind these concerns comes from the rise in over-the-counter home whitening kits, which often do not inform their users of the correct amount of time to wear the retainers. This, sadly, sometimes results in people damaging their enamel as they wear the retainer for far too long in the hope of achieving a whiter smile. At Queens Park however, we use a home-whitening kit which is clinically tested and approved. We use the White Dental Beauty method of teeth whitening, which involves the application of a thin layer of peroxide-based whitening gel within a custom-moulded retainer. This retainer is fitted around each patient’s unique dental structure, by our teeth whitening specialist Hanna. Thereafter, patients are free to take their retainer home and continue the whitening process over around two weeks. Over this time, patients can gradually see the effects of the gel when they wear their retainer – and it gives them the opportunity to tailor how white they wish their smile to be, and mould the treatment around their own schedule and the sensitivity of their teeth.

Reasons for seeking treatment

Discoloration or staining to a patient’s teeth is generally divided into two distinct forms. The first, and the most common form of staining is known as ‘Extrinsic’ discoloration. This form of staining is generally removable through cosmetic teeth whitening, and is caused when foods, beverages, or certain lifestyle choices such as smoking or chewing tobacco, result in superficial stains to a patient’s teeth. The consumption of high-acidic foods and poor oral hygiene can also result in extrinsic discoloration or staining. The second form of staining is known as ‘Intrinsic’ discoloration, which is when the actual inside of the tooth has become stained. This is a far rarer form of staining which is generally caused by taking certain medications, or a medical condition. Whilst this form of staining can be brightened by cosmetic teeth whitening, it generally requires more treatment than extrinsic discolouration. However, through our method of home-whitening, patients can gradually achieve a whiter, healthier looking smile which will renew their sense of self-esteem and confidence, and keep them smiling for some time to come.

How do teeth whitening trays work?

When watching movies, do you ever wonder how film stars get their teeth so white? You might look after yours properly, but no amount of brushing and flossing leaves you with that dazzling smile.teeth-whitening-bournemouth

Our teeth naturally discolour and become dull as we get older, but that shouldn’t mean you should live with a smile you hate.

Teeth whitening in Bournemouth have made a desirable smile more attainable, especially at our reputable practice, Queens Park.

Come and chat with our specialised dental practitioner, Hannah, if you are serious about changing your appearance.

Our method to teeth whitening

There are options to whitening your teeth, but using custom trays are the most effective method that is gentle on your mouth.

People react to having whitening their teeth differently and experience various side effects. Our approach is gradual and less harsh on your teeth. We also offer aids to help provide relief for the discomfort you experience.

How does the trays system work?

If you’re a suitable candidate for teeth whitening, Hannah will take dental impressions of your teeth so that our lab technicians can create customised sets of trays that fit the shape of your mouth exactly.

Each tray, one for your top teeth and one for your bottom, are pre-filled with a teeth whitening gel that contains trace amounts of Hydrogen Peroxide. Place them over your teeth a couple of hours every night and see the difference in a few weeks!

What is the difference between over-the-counter trays and ones prescribed by dentists?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic treatment that is considered the quickest way of transforming how you look.

DIY kits can be bought over-the-counter, but there are risks in implementing the procedure yourself, without the professional guidance by our highly qualified cosmetic dentist, Hannah.

Trays that you buy at a pharmacy or drugstore aren’t made to fit your unique mouth, and therefore, run the risk of leaking. Not only do your teeth not receive the bleach they need, but your gums also become aggravated.

Prevent this from happening by consulting with our dental practitioner, and receiving customised trays that whiten your teeth safely and effectively.

Are there risks involved?

As we have already mentioned, people’s reactions to having their teeth whitened vary. Patients with more sensitive teeth might experience more discomfort. However, this tenderness is temporary and can be relieved with painkillers.

We put measures in place to make your teeth whitening experience as painless as possible with professional teeth cleaning. We will also treat gum disease and other mouth conditions before giving the green light on treatment.

If this pain lasts for more than a couple of days, consult with our dentist to rule out more significant dental issues that need addressing.

Is teeth whitening in Bournemouth permanent

Unfortunately, teeth whitening does not last forever, but there are certain practices one can undertake to ensure they last a while.

For one, watch what you consume by avoiding food and drink that stains, such as red wine and coffee. Try to reduce your smoke to ensure a whiter smile for longer.

Are you self conscious about your imperfect teeth? Teeth whitening in Bournemouth is the quickest way to a brighter smile.

Shine like stars, thanks to expert teeth whitening in Bournemouth

A rising tide

teeth-whitening-bournemouthNowadays, we are living in an increasingly image conscious world. With the ever-expanding world of social media, and the consistent documentation of every aspect of our lives, more and more of us are taking steps to improve our overall aesthetic appeal. In recent years, we’ve witnessed an unprecedented rise in the amount of patients, both young and older, who are seeking cosmetic dentistry solutions from us here at Queens Park Dental Team. Those who do, do so to achieve a straighter, healthier looking smile. Treatments such as teeth whitening in Bournemouth have never been so popular as a rising amount of new patients are taking the initiative to improve their smiles, and boost their self-esteem.

Faded smiles

Often, those who seek cosmetic teeth whitening from us here at Queens Park Dental Team are not doing so due to neglect or poor dental hygiene. There are innumerable factors which, over time, can result in the natural enamel of a patient’s teeth becoming dulled or yellowed, which can often lead to their self-confidence and social well-being suffering. It is said that the main causes of tooth whitening can be divided into two distinct categories and these are defined as ‘extrinsic’ and ‘intrinsic’ staining. Extrinsic stains are the most common. These are when the surface enamel on a patient’s teeth – which is the outermost layer of the tooth – becomes stained or yellowed. This form of staining is what we generally remove through our teeth whitening treatments at Queens Park Dental Team. The number one cause of extrinsic staining on a patient’s teeth is lifestyle choices with smoking, chewing tobacco, and drinking black tea or coffee being the worst offenders. Generally speaking, any substance which can stain your clothing has the potential to stain your teeth. This includes a number of food products and sauces, such as soy and balsamic vinegar. Acidic food and drink products also erode the enamel on a patient’s teeth, making them more vulnerable to staining.

Brightening up your day

However, whilst this may all sound a bit doom-and-gloom, and those who suffer from stained or discolored teeth can often feel self-conscious, we have the solution here at Queens Park Dental Team. We can eradicate staining and discoloration from your teeth in as little as two appointments. The process of teeth whitening from us is a tray-based system which allows you to carry out treatment from your own home. The basis of our tray-based system involves a consultation period between the patient and Hannah, our lead cosmetic teeth whitening specialist. Then, providing the patients feel comfortable and clued in on the process, an impression will be taken from within our practice – from which a unique retainer will be created. Thereafter, you will be given your uniquely moulded retainer, and the White Dental Beauty’s teeth whitening gel. This gel contains a patented, peroxide-based formula, which has been designed to maximise the results of the treatment in a way that is perfectly safe and will not damage the integrity of the patient’s teeth. Also, it has a smooth, minty fresh taste. Over the following weeks, patients wear their retainers at a time which is convenient to them, and will slowly begin to see their smiles whiten and brighten until they shine like the stars they truly are.

It’s popular for a good reason

All around the world, the most popular form of cosmetic dentistry is teeth whitening. In Bournemouth, we find that many people come to us for teeth whitening because it is a quick and easy way to give their smiles an upgrade, especially if they have got an important event or celebration coming up. This could be something like a wedding or an interview for a job where you really need to look your best.

Teeth Whitening in BournemouthAt Queens Park Dental Team in Bournemouth, teeth whitening treatments with Hannah Neve will help your teeth get their gleam back, getting rid of stains and general discolouration. You are in safe hands when you come to us. Hannah has been the dentist here since 1991 and has a special interest in improving people’s smiles.

In Bournemouth, teeth whitening is achieved using a simple, easy system that you take home to use. Here’s how it works:

Your treatment

First you visit us for a consultation with Hannah, so that she can make sure that teeth whitening is a suitable treatment for you. Teeth whitening will not work on everyone. If you have some kind of artificial tooth work already in your mouth, then having your teeth whitened is not a great idea. This is because teeth whitening in Bournemouth cannot alter the colour of porcelain false teeth, dental implants or veneers. It would whiten the natural teeth around them and then the artificial teeth would seem discoloured. Better to leave well alone.

However, if your teeth are all your own, then Hannah will take impressions of your teeth in order to create trays that exactly fit your mouth. Your trays will come with a supply of White Dental Beauty whitening gel. Queens Park Dental Team uses this particular brand of gel because it is made to a patented formula that reduces sensitivity, hydrates the teeth and has a lovely minty flavour. Altogether, teeth whitening in Bournemouth will involve two visits to us and treatment taking two to three weeks. You will also be able to top up your whitening if the brightness starts to fade in the future.

Know before you go: teeth whitening in Bournemouth

In recent years, teeth whitening has become widely accessible. However, the more popular it gets, the more money there is to be made from harmful whitening methods readily available over the counter. If you’re considering whitening your teeth, visiting the dentist is the way to go. They will guide your through the procedure and help you brighten your smile safely and effectively.

At Queens Park Dental Team, we have been practising teeth whitening in Bournemouth for many years and have helped many patients restore the brightness of their smile. Our lead dentist, Dr Hannah Neve, has a special interest in improving people’s health and appearance through cosmetic dentistry and will help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.

Teeth Whitening in BournemouthWhy do teeth turn yellow?

Teeth can turn yellow for many reasons. While it is usually caused by old age and genetic disposition, patients also develop yellow and discoloured teeth from coffee, wine and other highly-pigmented foods and drinks. Teeth also become yellow with smoking and certain medicines. Finally, discoloured teeth can be the result of excessive fluoride intake.

Our whitening services

At Queens Park Dental Team, we use the White Dental Beauty system for our home-based teeth whitening treatment. You will first have a consultation with Hannah to determine whether this is the right treatment for you. If you decide to proceed with the treatment, we will take impressions of your teeth and create custom-made whitening trays to fit your teeth.

As soon as your trays are ready, we will provide you with White Dental Beauty’s teeth whitening gel. This gel is created with a unique formula, customised to your needs and the condition of your teeth. The ingredients help the teeth remain hydrated throughout the treatment, minimising sensitivity and discomfort.

Treatment time typically lasts two to three weeks and you will need to visit the dentist twice. We also give you the option to top-up your whitening, if your teeth become stained and discoloured in the future.

Contact us

Interested in teeth whitening in Bournemouth? Contact our friendly team today and we will book a consultation appointment for you.

The truth about teeth whitening

Are you happy with the whiteness of your teeth? Over time, the ageing process, smoking, or certain foods and drinks can cause teeth to become discoloured and aesthetically unpleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, it is possible to lighten the colour of your teeth for a healthier, brighter smile. Teeth whitening used to be a luxury procedure carried out only by the rich and famous, but in recent years it has blossomed into a much more available and affordable service.

Teeth Whitening in BournemouthDue to the risks involved by treatments from non-professionals, it is now illegal for anybody other than a dental professional to carry out teeth whitening procedures in the UK. It is best to ignore the adverts in beauty salons and set out to find the best dental professional to suit you.

Who do I choose?

If you are looking for professional teeth whitening in Bournemouth, look no further than Queens Park Dental Team, as we offer a truly exemplary service. We are a trusted and reliable dental practice who understand how to get the most brilliant colour possible out of your natural pearly-whites.

At Queens Park Dental Team in Bournemouth, teeth whitening can be offered either in practice, or we can create a customised tray for you to use for more gradual effects at home.

Is it safe?

The British Dental Health Foundation states that if carried out by a trained and regulated dental professional, there is very little risk associated with teeth whitening, if any at all. Some of our patients may suffer light sensitivity and discomfort around the gums for a short period of time, but this will disappear after a few days.

Aftercare is important. In the days after your treatment, you will need to ensure your newly whitened teeth stay white. This involves cutting down on the activities that create discolouration in the first place and following the aftercare instructions we will give you during your treatment.

If you would like to find out more about having teeth whitening in Bournemouth, contact our friendly reception team, who will happily book an initial consultation for you to discuss your needs, and address any worries you may have.

You can have a sparkling smile

Do you love your what you see in the mirror? Most of us would like to smile with confidence, but tooth discolouration can prevent that from being a reality. Poor dental hygiene can result in teeth that are less than gleaming, and sometimes even the best kept teeth can be dull. Exposure to fluoride, antibiotics, coffee, wine, smoking, damage and ageing can all change the colour of the enamel. For patients who see Hannah from Queens Park Dental Team in Bournemouth, teeth whitening is a great option for improving the tone of teeth. Even badly stained teeth can be whitened, but you may need to allow slightly longer for treatment.

Teeth Whitening in BournemouthA happier and healthier smile

Celebrity smiles are a great example of the results of teeth whitening. Bournemouth patients can benefit from the same process in the comfort of their own home. Some people would love to enhance their appearance for a special occasion such as weddings and parties while others like the feeling of having a great smile every day. Having teeth whitening in Bournmouth is a very simple process that can have a big impact on your looks and how you feel about social interactions. Depending on your lifestyle and eating habits, your whiter teeth can last for six months. Any original staining is unlikely to reappear so you can be confident that you can enjoy your new look. If it does, Hannah and the team can provide you with top-up treatments.

How does it work?

The first stage to teeth whitening in Bournemouth is an appointment in which we assess the type of staining and take impressions of your teeth. We use a hydrogen peroxide gel, which is held in place against your teeth using a custom-built plastic tray. The gel gently changes the colour of your teeth without affecting the natural surface of the tooth. The gel has a pleasant mint flavour and contains special ingredients which keep your teeth hydrated and minimise the risk of sensitivity. Usually you would have two appointments with us and the full course of treatment takes under three weeks.

You can enjoy dazzling teeth and be proud of your smile. Teeth whitening in Bournemouth could be the solution for you.

Have you lost your spark?

Do you avoid smiling in photos because of stained or discoloured teeth? Has your coffee habit left you wanting whiter teeth? Do you see your reflection and think you could improve your look? This isn’t unusual and we can help you regain that brilliant white smile you crave.

At our practice in Bournemouth, teeth whitening is one of our most popular procedures. Come and see us today, to start your journey to a happier and whiter smile.

Teeth Whitening in BournemouthWhite Dental Beauty teeth whitening

White Dental Beauty gels have been used by dental professionals around the world for many years, gaining a reputation as a reliable and effective whitening procedure.

The White Dental Beauty system is carefully selected for teeth whitening in Bournemouth, to give an enhanced whitening effect, minimise sensitivity, help keep the teeth hydrated and to provide a pleasant mint flavor, that leaves the mouth feeling fresh.

This procedure involves custom made bleaching trays. Special bleaching gel is then applied to these trays. The gel can be used for a few hours in the day or overnight, until the bleaching process is complete. Patients are ‘in control’ of their treatment under the supervision of Hannah Neve, the dentist at Queens Park Dental, who has a particular interest in cosmetic dentistry. The other advantage of this method is that it can be combined with our in-house bleaching, to produce a much brighter white for your new smile.

The benefits

The benefits include the successful removal of unsightly yellow and brown stains, as well as the removal of smoke stains. It can benefit people of all ages and can last up to three years.

Is it safe?

Yes, the systems we use have been shown by independent clinical studies not to cause damage or structural changes to the teeth. There is a small chance of tooth sensitivity. This is reversible by using a desensitizing tooth gel. There are also tooth gels which strengthen the tooth enamel and maintain the whitening effects of the bleaching treatment for longer.

With prices starting at just £285, why not give Queens Park Dental a call today for a teeth whitening in Bournemouth consultation.

Your new smile

Do you long for a bright, white photo-ready smile? A glowing, healthy grin to flash at the world and make you feel happy and confident?

Teeth can become discoloured for many reasons. Nature takes it course and the ageing process can cause discolouration no matter how well you look after your teeth. In some cases, having less than white teeth can be due to a hereditary condition, or due to an illness or disease. In other cases, it is due to daily habits that teeth become yellow or brown. The food we choose to eat, drinks such as coffee and red wine, or smoking can all create discolouration over time.

Teeth Whitening in BournemouthAt Queen’s Park Dental in Bournemouth, teeth whitening can have a dramatic effect on the way you look and feel. A healthy and confident smile is an important social asset. It is regarded by many as one of the most attractive facial features. Research has shown that men and women with a clean, bright smile are perceived as more attractive, successful and employable.

In Bournemouth, teeth whitening could be the answer to achieving the brighter, whiter smile. The effects are achieved quickly, with a very high success rate and little to no sensitivity or discomfort can be felt after our White Dental Beauty System.

How does it work?

The White Dental Beauty system, contains the highest percentage of professional peroxide available to help you achieve the maximum whitening effect. Used with your own personal bleaching trays the peroxide gels are safe, effective and give fast results.

The trays should be worn for an hour at a time rather than overnight. If you are too busy to wear the trays for a few days, it does not matter. You can bleach your teeth to your own schedule. Some of our patients put the trays in after dinner and wear them for the first hour of watching TV or while doing the dishes. It really can be that flexible.

How do I get the best results?

For the most effective result from your teeth whitening in Bournemouth, you should try to reduce the amount of tea, coffee and red wine you drink. It is not advisable to smoke during treatment and for up to eight weeks afterwards.